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Meet Matt Moran

Through dynamic storytelling and a highly interactive approach (no one wants to be ‘talked at’), my speaking and facilitation go beyond surface-level solutions and ‘rah-rah’ inspiration.  Whether I’m leading a workshop or delivering a keynote, my focus is on sparking practical, lasting transformation equipping individuals and teams with the skills and mindset to thrive long after I’ve left the building. With 21 years of experience as a presentations coach, I’ve honed the ability to target multiple learning styles and capture engagement in a unique and finely tuned manner. My clients will tell you that I am able to connect in a meaningful way with even the most resistant learners, and empower them to turn insights into ongoing action steps.  

But can I be real with you?  

Anyone in my position is capable of droning on about their abilities on their website. The best way to determine if I’m worth the investment is to read what my clients have experienced, or connect with them to learn more (I’d be happy to make those introductions).


Communication isn’t just about flawless articulation or a perfectly polished delivery. It’s about CONNECTING with your audience in a way that compels them to think, “Wow. This person ‘gets’ me. He/she understands me, and is keenly aware of my goals and current struggles.” 

Matt Moran

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